Thursday, July 18, 2013

America`s first Zoo! Here in Philadelphia! Great!

Last Sunday I enjoyed a lot!!! I went to the Zoo. And I discovered that it was the America`s first Zool                                                             

So organized, clean and with many interesting Animals!

Monday, July 15, 2013

International House Philadelphia

It's my house for four weeks!!!


Monday, July 1, 2013

Philadelphia City
Drexel University is in Philadelphia city situated in PA , USA
It`s the largest city in PA!
There are many places to visit, many things to do there!!‎

What do you Know about Philadelphia?
Answer this test:

Drexel university



        I am studying at Drexel University. It is a great University.
        I am participating of a Brazilian English Program in English Language Center in this University.

This is the statue in front the University!!